One of the lock-nuts included with my BME Chronical doesn't fit properly?

We recently received a ticket from a new BME Chronicle owner that discovered that one of his lock-nuts didn't fit properly after he completely disassembled and intermingled the parts for cleaning.  

Keep in mind that there are two different sizes of lock nut that ship with BME Chronicals. 

1. (4) 3/8" FPT lock-nuts, which is for the side mounted chill coils (2), the sampling valve (1), and the thermowell (1).

2. (1) 16 mm lock-nut, which is specifically for the 1/2" barb located on the 3" TC lid cap. 

Please be mindful that when completely disassembling your unit, to keep each lockout with the appropriate part.  This will avoid any confusion or poor fitment when the unit is reassembled. 

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